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Squadra Profilo: TEAM KATUSHA 2009

Interviste (22)

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Ben Swift
"starting the 2010 season on a high", 23 Septiembre 2009
He’s been top three in Qatar, Nokere Koerse, the Giro, the Pais Vasco – and now he’s finally stood on the podium step that gives you the best view of all. We spoke to Tour of Britain stage seven winner; 21 year-old Ben Swift (GB & Katyusha) on Monday morning.

Ben Swift,
20 Septiembre 2009

"I’ve enjoyed every minute of it!"
First year Katyusha pro Ben Swift started his Tour of Britain with a flourish, grabbing third place on the first stage. We spoke to him at the half way point – Blackpool.

Ben Swift,
31 Mayo 2009

"everyone wants Cav's wheel"
Ben Swift (Katusha & GB) was watching the Giro on TV last year at this time; now he's jousting with Cav, Ale Jet and Tyler Farrar in hairy finishes - and fighting to survive eight hour, baking mountain epics.

Antonio Colom Mas
Cyclisme Actu,
14 Mayo 2009

Toni Colom : « Sur le Tour de France, ce sera tout ou rien »
Après avoir levé les bras par trois fois depuis le début de la saison (Trofeo Inca, 3e étape du Tour de l'Algarve et 8e étape de Paris-Nice) et s'être illustré sur le Tour du Pays Basque, l'espagnol Antonio Colom se confie à Cyclism'Actu. Satisfait de son début d'année, il revient sur son parcours e

Ben Swift,
11 Mayo 2009

The Man With The Right Name - Swift!
Stage one of the 100th Giro d'Italia saw Ben Swift help Katyusha take a solid sixth place in the team time trial; but stage two was even better, with only the two fastest men on the planet able to get to the line before the British youngster.

Swift Ben,
8 Mayo 2009

Jungprofi Ben Swift
Ben Swift ist einer der überraschendsten jungen Fahrer der Saison. Der 21-jährige Brite, der in Diensten des Team Katusha steht, erreichte zuletzt bei der Baskenland-Rundfahrt je einen zweiten, dritten und vierten Etappenplatz. Nun geht Swift gleich in seinem ersten Profijahr beim Giro d’Italia an d

Toni Colom,
10 Abril 2009

Free to fly
Antonio Colom is one of those Spanish riders well known and respected within the peloton, but perhaps not so famous beyond the Pyrénées. A solid climber and consistent performer in week-long stage races, Colom should be called “Mr. Spring,” for his performances in early season races.

Filippo Pozzato,
29 Marzo 2009

"I hope for more at Flanders"
Filippo Pozzato (Katusha) got the big win he was looking for with victory in the E3 Prijs Harelbeke on Saturday. It was his first win in over a year and a sign of good things to come for next weekend's Ronde van Vlaanderen.

Robbie McEwen,
21 Marzo 2009

«La carretera me pondrá en su sitio, pero tengo una buena condición física»
Robbie McEwen ha ganado casi todo. Casi. Le falta, entre otras, la Milán-San Remo. A sus 36 años y a punto de sumar una primavera más, el australiano no comparte la idea de que su edad pueda ser un impedimento para vencer en 'La Classicissima'.

Filippo Pozzato,
7 Marzo 2009

«Si tengo las mismas sensaciones que la pasada semana, gano seguro»
Tras pasar la mañana previa a la Montepaschi Eroica junto a, el corredor italiano nos atendió para sentar los objetivos de la temporada que acaba de comenzar y que para él tiene, tambien el banderazo de salida con la carrera del asfalto arenoso.

Robbie McEwen,
4 Marzo 2009

‘I love winning, hate losing’
Change is just what Robbie McEwen needed. His move to Katusha has put the fire back into the veteran Australian sprinter. Not that it’s ever gone away, but McEwen didn’t have his best season in 2008, coming off just five wins and getting blanked in the grand tours.

Filippo Pozzato,
25 Febrero 2009

It's time to win
The 2008 season was painfully void of big victories for the former Omloop Het Volk and Milano-Sanremo winner, Filippo Pozzato, but he is determined to make 2009 a winning year with his new Katusha team.

Filippo Pozzato
Vélo 101,
25 Febrero 2009

"je sais cette année ce qu'il y a lieu de faire pour ne pas se faire piéger dans Milan-San Remo."
Devancé d'un boyau sur le lungomare de Laigueglia par un Ginannino ou Francheschino, comme on voudra, au faciès de cow-boy des films de Sergio Leone, Filippo Pozzato apparaissait quand même, bien qu'il s'en défendait, un peu déçu la ligne passée.

Danilo Napolitano,
22 Febrero 2009

«Vinco per aiutare anche i ragazzi Siciliani»
La settimana scorsa, Danilo Napolitano ha messo il sigillo alla sua prima vittoria della stagione sulle strade spagnole della Ruta del Sol. Questa settimana, un po’ di riposo a casa prima di andare in Belgio per continuare la preparazione in vista della Sanremo.

Toni Colom
Mallorca Zeitung,
19 Febrero 2009

"der Etappensieg in meinem Heimatort Bunyola etwas Besonderes"
Besser hätte das Jahr für Mallorcas Radstar Toni Colom kaum beginnen können: Am Donnerstag, 12.2. sicherte sich der 30-Jährige im Trikot seines neuen Rennstalls, Team Katusha, den Gesamtsieg bei der Mallorca-Rundfahrt. In drei Monaten wird er darüber hinaus zum ersten Mal Vater.

Danilo Napolitano
La Gazzetta dello Sport,
17 Febrero 2009

"Sono magro e mi diverto"
Lo sprinter siciliano, passato dalla Lampre alla Katusha, vince la prima corsa della stagione alla Ruta del Sol, in Andalusia. "Ho un paio di chili in meno rispetto a un anno fa, sapevo di essere in ottime condizioni, il grande lavoro di Pozzato e Steegmans ha fatto il resto"

Filippo Pozzato,
2 Febrero 2009

"Basta con i luoghi comuni!"
Per diventare il beniamino d’Italia ha scelto la Russia. Filippo Pozzato, il bello d’Italia quest’anno vestirà i colori di una squadra-nazione: la Russia. E si trova a correre per una squadra che ha un nome di donna, il più comune nella terra di Putin: Katusha.

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