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Oenone Wood
Oenone Wood In Tuscany, 26 October 2006
Oenone Wood rocketed to the top with a series of great performances in the toughest races in Europe – winning back-to-back World Cups in 2004 and 2005. Although she couldn’t get the hat-trick in a tough 2006, next year brings a new team and a new resolve to grab even more success.

Eva Lutz,
12 October 2006

"Talent ist eine Sache, Fleiß die andere... ;-) "
Eva Lutz ist Spätstarterin, begann sie ihre Radkarriere doch erst mit 24 Jahren. Ihr rasanter Aufstieg in die Spitze des Deutschen Frauen-Radsports ist umso bemerkenswerter, denn mittlerweile fährt die 27-jährige bereits für die Equipe Nürnberger.

Regina Schleicher,
21 September 2006

"Unser Team hat die Karten in der Hand"
Am kommenden Samstag steht für die deutsche Frauenmannschaft bei der WM in Salzburg das Straßenrennen auf dem Programm. Titelverteidigerin Regina Schleicher gibt im Interview Auskunft über ihre persönlichen Ziele und die Chancen der BDR-Fahrerinnen.

Oenone Wood,
15 May 2006

"A hot shower and a massage always helps"
Oenone greeted us with a big smile and a warm welcome. Quickly in out of the cold, we relax in the living room of her Aunt and Uncle’s house, listening to some hip music, talking about the Tour of Flanders, her Commonwealth Games medals and her upcoming races.

Oenone Wood,
10 March 2006

"Some more wins in World Cup races would be nice!"
Although not exactly a household name, 25-year-old road cyclist Oenone Wood boasts some of the most impressive credentials in Australia’s cycling team. Despite taking up competitive riding just four years ago, Wood is the current World Cup and Australian time trial champion and just recently recorde

Trixi Worrack,
6 January 2006

"I haven’t counted the kilometres"
The previous years, she was the one and only heir to the Nürnberger-throne. Now Judith Arndt has left the team, 2006 could bring the definitive breakthrough for Trixi Worrack.


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