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Renners Profiel: Eddy Merckx

Interviews (20)
Video´s (32)
1 Fans

20 Interviews

Ik ben maar gewoon Eddy hè, Dennis Boxhoorn, 5 Juli 2019
Gepost door: Bitossi

Eddy Merckx, vijfvoudig Tourwinnaar De start van de 106de Tour de France in Brussel staat in het teken van vijfvoudig winnaar Eddy Merckx. „Ik ben niet iemand die veel van het verleden spreekt. Maar ja, nu kunt ge niet anders.”

Il corridore che piu' mi assomiglia? dico Valverde

TUTTOBICI, Guido La Marca, 4 Juli 2019
Gepost door: Bitossi

Eddy Merckx ha appena festeggiato i 74 anni ma la grande celebrazione deve ancora cominciare. E sarà planetaria, con un Grand Depart del Tour che si annuncia indimenticabile.

Mark Uytterhoeven & Eddy Merckx

DeMorgen, Joost Vandesande, 25 Juni 2019
Gepost door: Bitossi

De jeugd weet niet wat er kan gebeuren als er massaal op extreemrechts wordt gestemd

Ik ben niet bang om te sterven

De Zondag, Paul Cobbaert, 24 Oktober 2018
Gepost door: Bitossi

Eddy Merckx is De Kannibaal. Mét hoofdletters. Hij is de grootste sportman aller tijden, van België, misschien zelfs wereldwijd. Zijn palmares is bekend: drie wereldtitels, bijna alle klassiekers, vijf keer de Tour, evenveel keer de Giro, één keer de Vuelta, noem maar op. Wij gaan op zoek naar de mens achter de legende.

Europa, svegliati, non essere schizzinosa col nuovo ciclismo

Republica, Cosimo Cito, 15 Oktober 2016
Gepost door: Bitossi

A Doha domani la prova su strada, l'ex ciclista: "Il caldo c'era pure quando vinsi a Montreal nel '74"

On the evolution of cycling, the meaning of ‘cool’

VeloNews, John Bradley, 15 September 2016
Gepost door: Bitossi

Cycling's most legendary champion weighs in on bike design, his favorite riders, and the sports evolving standards of “cool.”

The man behind the legend

Cycling Weekly, Richard Abraham, 17 Juni 2016
Gepost door: Bitossi

Winner of over 500 races, era-defining rider, son of a grocer and a grandfather just turned 71. Who is the real Eddy Merckx?

Portrait: Eddy Merckx

Rouleur, Timothy John, 24 November 2015
Gepost door: Bitossi

Portrait: Eddy Merckx

They say never meet your heroes. They've obviously never met Eddy Merckx.

Cyclist, James Spender, 15 Oktober 2015
Gepost door: Bitossi

Pele lifted the World Cup three times, AP McCoy rode to 20 Champion Jockey titles, Muhammad Ali won three undisputed World Heavyweight titles and Michael Schumacher took seven World Drivers’ Championships.

Interview d'Eddy Merckx

Velo 101, Velo 101, 20 Juni 2015
Gepost door: Bitossi

J'espère qu'Alberto Contador gagnera le Tour de France cette année. Il montrera qu'il est possible de gagner le Giro et le Tour dans la même année.

Urán la tendrá difícil con Contador en el Giro

As, Daniel Cortés y Tatiana Rodríguez, 7 Mei 2015
Gepost door: Bitossi

AS Colombia habló con la leyenda viviente del ciclismo mundial. Por sus títulos, el mejor pedalista de la historia: el belga Eddy 'El Caníbal' Merckx.

La evolución del ciclismo dependerá de su expansión.

As, J.A: Ezquerro, 25 Februari 2015
Gepost door: Bitossi

Eddy Merckx ha paseado su planta de gran campeón y sus 69 años por Qatar y Omán. Ejerce de embajador de estas carreras que organiza ASO, la empresa propietaria del Tour.

El ciclismo nunca estuvo más limpio que ahora.

As, J.A. Ezquerro, 13 Maart 2014
Gepost door: Bitossi

Está considerado el mejor ciclista de la historia: cinco triunfos en el Tour, cinco en el Giro, uno en la Vuelta, tres en Mundiales, siete en la Milán-San Remo, tres en la París-Roubaix...

Everything in bicycling is about evolution

Bicycling, Bicycling, 4 Oktober 2010
Gepost door: Bitossi

Five-time winner of the Tour de France and often regarded one of the greatest living cycling legends of all time, was on-hand at Interbike 2010 to debut his new line of 2011 high-end road frames and shake hands of adoring fans from across the globe. staff member Jennifer Clunie met up with him in Las Vegas to discuss some of the most memorable moments of his cycling career, and how we might improve conditions for cyclists in America.

We take a look back through the Cycle Sport

Cycling Weekly, Cycling Weekly, 17 Juni 2010
Gepost door: Bitossi

Cycle Sport visited Eddy Merckx back in 2004 as they put together a special issue dedicated to the greatest cyclist of all time. Now, on his 65th birthday, we take a look back at what the great man had to say.

(Tour de France 2009)

« Armstrong ne sera pas au Tour ! », Stéphane Thirion, 22 Oktober 2008
Gepost door: lucybears

Alors que le parcours du Tour de France est dévoilé ce matin, Eddy Merckx nous l’a confirmé : le Texan Lance Armstrong ne sera pas en France en juillet 2009. Il misera tout sur le Giro.

Eddy Merckx Talks to PEZ!

Pez Cyclingnews, Pez Crew, 4 Oktober 2006
Gepost door: Bitossi

The man they called “the Cannibal” is still hungry. Eddy Merckx, perhaps the greatest cyclist of all time, led a 35-mile charity ride through scenic Marin County to benefit the Oak Hill School in Marin City for children with autism and other neurologically based development issues. Right before leading the pack out on the road, Merckx talked one-on-one with PEZ.

Eddy on all things cycling, Mark Zalewski, 1 Oktober 2005
Gepost door: lucybears

While at the 2005 Interbike, Cyclingnews' North American Editor, Mark Zalewski, found the legendary Eddy Merckx signing autographs for a long line of fans at his booth. The Cannibal took a few minutes out of his busy schedule to sit down a catch up on what he has been up to and what he thinks about the current cycling world.

Armstrong Is Damned to Victory

Spiegel, Spiegel, 11 Juli 2005
Gepost door: Bitossi

All eyes are on Lance Armstrong this month as he seeks to add to his record of consecutive Tour de France victories. SPIEGEL spoke with five-time Tour winner Eddy Merckx about what it takes to win, Armstrong's main competitor Jan Ullrich and why he used to ride his stationary bike in the sauna.

L'interview vérité d'Eddy Merckx

Les Sports, Philippe Van Holle, 30 Augustus 2003
Gepost door: Bitossi

Pour le reste, mes affaires m'amènent encore à bouger énormément. Là, c'est la période des salons qui commencent.

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