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Vuelta Ciclista a la Comunidad de Madrid 2006 (2.2)
Spain  /  11 Mayo - 15 Mayo

Edition: 20 (544.6 Km)
Winner: ESCOBAR ROURE Sergio


Vincitori della gara

Ultimi Vincitori

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Classifica generale
1. Sergi Escobar SPA Gr Nicolas Mateos 12.52.12
2. Jesus Ramirez SPA Spiuk-Extremadura 0.06
3. Mikhail Ignatiev RUS Tinkoff Restaurants 0.17
4. Francisco Torrella SPA Alfus Tedes 0.36
5. Unai Elorriaga SPA Alfus Tedes 0.42
6. Fernando Torres SPA Spiuk-Extremadura 0.43
7. Diego Milan SPA Gr Nicolas Mateos 0.49
8. Graziano Gasparre ITA Amore & Vita-McDonalds 0.53
9. Angel Vazquez SPA Atom 1.00
10. Pavel Brutt RUS Tinkoff Restaurants 1.12
11. Victor M. Gomes SPA Viņa Magna-Cropu 1.13
12. Sergio Herrero SPA Viņa Magna-Cropu 1.21
13. Josu Mondelo SPA Spiuk-Extremadura 1.28
14. Josu Aguirre SPA Orbea 1.31
15. Fernando Herrero SPA Gr Nicolas Mateos 1.35
16. Jorge Perez SPA PMD Fuenlabrada 1.36
17. Mikel Elgezabal SPA Atom 1.42
18. Carlos Torrent SPA Viņa Magna-Cropu 1.54
19. Giovanny Baez COL Atom 1.57
20. Oscar Grau SPA Viņa Magna-Cropu 2.11

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