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Championnat d'Europe U23 / U23 European Championship - MU 2019 (CC)
Netherlands  /  10 Agosto

(138.0 Km)
Winner: DAINESE Alberto


Ganadores de la carrera

Ultimos Ganadores

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Clasificación General
1. DAINESE Alberto UITA 03:08:53
2. LARSEN Niklas UDEN 03:08:53
3. ÄRM Rait UEST 03:08:53
4. ANIOLKOWSKI Stanislaw UPOL 03:08:53
5. EEKHOFF Nils UNED 03:08:53
6. THIJSSEN Gerben UBEL 03:08:53
7. BISSEGGER Stefan USUI 03:08:53
8. FROIDEVAUX Robin USUI 03:08:54
9. GAZZOLI Michele UITA 03:08:54
10. WALLS Matthew UGBR 03:08:54
11. JERMAN Ziga USLO 03:08:54
12. LINDGREN Emil USWE 03:08:54
13. KOOISTRA Maarten UNED 03:08:54
14. FERRI Gregorio UITA 03:08:54
15. WAERENSKJOLD Søren UNOR 03:08:54
16. CARVALHO André Rodrigues de UPOR 03:08:54
17. REYNDERS Jens UBEL 03:08:54
18. MÄRKL Niklas UGER 03:08:54
19. BLIKRA Erlend UNOR 03:08:54
20. O'LOUGHLIN Michael UIRL 03:08:54

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