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Tour du Limousin 2015 (2.1)
France  /  18 Agosto - 21 Agosto

Edition: 48 (715.4 Km)
Winner: COLBRELLI Sonny


Vincitori della gara

Ultimi Vincitori

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Classifica generale
1. COLBRELLI Sonny BAR 17:55:41
2. HERRADA LOPEZ Jesús MOV 00:00:00
3. MOLARD Rudy COF 00:00:02
4. VACHON Florian BSE 00:00:07
5. LAMMERTINK Maurits ROP 00:00:11
6. EDET Nicolas COF 00:00:13
7. PASQUALON Andrea ROT 00:00:14
8. SPRENGERS Thomas TSV 00:00:14
9. BONNAFOND Guillaume ALM 00:00:14
10. REBELLIN Davide CCC 00:00:16
11. COMBAUD Romain ADT 00:00:16
12. PACHER Quentin ADT 00:00:18
13. LEVARLET Guillaume AUB 00:00:18
14. SAINT MARTIN Clément M13 00:00:20
15. PRADES REVERTE Eduard CJR 00:00:22
16. VANTOMME Maxime RLM 00:00:22
17. VAN HOECKE Gijs TSV 00:00:22
18. KREDER Michel ROP 00:00:22
19. PATERSKI Maciej CCC 00:00:22
20. TURGIS Jimmy RLM 00:00:22

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