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Trofeo Laigueglia 2004 (1.2)
Italy  /  17 Februari

Edition: 41 (183.0 Km)
Winner: POZZATO Filippo



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Algemeen Klassement
1. POZZATO Filippo 04:35:28
2. BERNUCCI Lorenzo 00:00:00
3. VAINSTEINS Romans 00:00:00
4. HONCHAR Serhiy 00:00:00
5. PAOLINI Luca 00:00:00
6. ZBERG Marcus 00:00:00
7. PIETROPOLLI Daniele 00:00:00
8. BOSSONI Paolo 00:00:00
9. GENTILI Massimiliano 00:00:00
10. GIUNTI Massimo 00:00:00
11. SKELDE Michael 00:00:00
12. BUCCIERO Antonio 00:00:00
13. VANOTTI Alessandro 00:00:00
14. ZINETTI Mauro 00:00:00
15. PALUMBO Giuseppe 00:00:00
16. SACCHI Fabio 00:00:00
17. MOLETTA Andrea 00:00:00
18. BERTOLINI Alessandro 00:00:00
19. SANTAMBROGIO Mauro 00:00:00
20. DE SCHROODER Benny 00:00:00

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