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Int. Österreich-Rundfahrt-Tour of Austria 2008 (2.HC)
Austria  /  6 Julio - 13 Julio

Edition: 60 (1074.7 Km)
Winner: ROHREGGER Thomas


Ganadores de la carrera

Ultimos Ganadores

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Clasificación General
1. ROHREGGER Thomas ELK 26:54:28
2. GUSEV Vladimir AST 00:00:39
3. PIDGORNYY Ruslan LPR 00:01:05
4. SŘRENSEN Chris Anker CSC 00:02:02
5. CARUSO Giampaolo FLM 00:02:47
6. REBELLIN Davide GST 00:04:09
7. BRAJKOVIC Janez AST 00:04:23
8. PEDRAZA MORALES Walter Fernando TCS 00:05:31
9. GOLCER Jure LPR 00:05:42
10. FREI Thomas AST 00:05:59
11. BARRY Michael THR 00:06:05
12. TRAMPUSCH Gerhard ELK 00:06:14
13. MOSER Leonardo SDA 00:06:38
14. PICHLER Michael RAD 00:07:11
15. SESTILI Luigi FLM 00:07:30
16. STALDER Florian VBG 00:07:32
17. LLOYD Matthew SIL 00:07:49
18. SERRANO GONZALEZ Ricardo TCS 00:07:50
19. GESINK Robert RAB 00:09:10
20. SIMEONI Filippo FLM 00:09:13

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