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Joaquim Rodriguez Oliver - Going for No.1 - Episode 9: L'Alpe-d'Huez
Gepost door: Davey H. / 2013-08-28 13:16:20
Road Bike Action Presents Going For Number One: An Exclusive Video Series Sponsored By Pure Cycling From Canyon Bicycles. Going For Number One follows Katusha Team's Joaquim "Purito" Rodríguez and his Katusha teammates during the 2013 Tour De France.

Imbedded with Katusha during the 2013 Tour, filmaker Christian Walter offers a unique, behind-the-scenes perspective of what it takes to be the worlds #1 ranked rider, as Purito was in 2012 and is seeking again in 2013.

Koppelingen: Joaquin Rodriguez Oliver, Katusha Team - 2013

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