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Squadra Profilo: UNIVEGA PRO CYCLING TEAM 2006

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Nicole Cooke
And tell me who she is, again ...

Observer Sport Monthly, 26 Noviembre 2006
With victory in the Tour de France, Nicole Cooke became our most successful sportswoman. So why don't we know more about her?

Nicole Cooke,
7 Octubre 2006

The Tigress Woods of cycling
Ask the next person you meet if they have heard of Nicole Cooke, and the answer will probably be a scratched head. Mmm, it sounds vaguely familiar, doesn't it? But few would put a face to the name. The world's No 1 woman cyclist, to the mass British audience, represents the great unknown.

Nicole Cooke,
22 Septiembre 2006

"Its road racing, so there are no guarantees"
One of the hot favourites for the road race is the Welsh rider Nicole Cooke. There isn't much this young lady hasn't won having been twice World Road Cup champion, Tour de France and Tour of Italy champion and already having won Silver and Bronze medals in the World Championship Road Race to go with

Nicole Cooke,
22 Agosto 2006

A prolific season
After a couple of seasons marred by injuries, Nicole Cooke has been almost unbeatable in 2006. She's also one of the most vehemently anti-doping riders, refusing to inject anything into her body - even vitamins and sugars - and refusing to room with anyone else who does.

Christiane Soeder,
18 Agosto 2006

"Man freut sich für die andere mit"
Christiane Soeder, Österreichs bester weiblicher Profi, im Interview über die Lage im Frauenradsport, Ziele für die Heim-WM und Radfahren als Passion

Nicole Cooke,
12 Agosto 2006

Britain's real sports personality
The first time Nicole Cooke glimpsed the summit of Mont Ventoux, a legendary moonscape shimmering with menace 7,000ft above the plains of the Lubéron, she was more than two minutes ahead of the field and trying hard to keep her rhythm after an hour of climbing in 40 degrees of heat.

Karin Thürig,
18 Mayo 2006

'Mein Ziel ist der Slot für Kona'
Die Schweizerin Karin Thürig hat im Mai das erste Mal Lanzarote besucht, um sich die Rennstrecke anzusehen. fragt nach, wie der Zeitfahrspezialistin und Mitfavoritin der Kurs bei der ersten Besichtigung gefallen hat. [22.05.2006 Karin gewinnt Ironman Lanzarote http://www.univega-pro-cyc


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