News et média > Interviews
27.532 Interviews [EN] [EN] Here you find a collection of interviews on the internet in various languages. Bitossi (Thanks, Arturo!) is searching the Internet on a daily basis looking for fresh interviews. You can find them all in our Interview database containing thousands of riders interviews to be read, while having your cup of coffee.
Our eternal thanks go out to Lucybears, we miss him.
Gerald Ciolek
"Für ganz vorne fehlte noch ein bisschen was", Matthias Seng, 21 Août 2009
Placé par: lucybears
Nach schwachem Saisonstart hat Gerald Ciolek in den vergangenen Monaten beständig gute Leistungen gezeigt, auch wenn es bisher erst zu einem Sieg reichte.
Links: Gerald Ciolek
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