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27.532 Interviews [EN] [EN] Here you find a collection of interviews on the internet in various languages. Bitossi (Thanks, Arturo!) is searching the Internet on a daily basis looking for fresh interviews. You can find them all in our Interview database containing thousands of riders interviews to be read, while having your cup of coffee.
Our eternal thanks go out to Lucybears, we miss him.
Eukene Larrarte Arteaga
Pista ere egingo dut, baina aurten agian lehentasuna errepideari emango diot
naiz, Joseba Iturria, 17 Janvier 2022
Placé par: Bitossi
Tolosarrak Pistako Munduko Txapelketa izango du berriro helburu aurten, iaz omnium proban hamabigarren eta kanporaketa proban bederatzigarren izan ondoren.
Links: Eukene Larrarte Arteaga
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