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Eeuwige dank gaat uit naar Lucybears
Joscelin Lowden
Joss Lowden: woman of the hour
British Continental, British Conti, 14 April 2021
Gepost door: DZI
In this episode, we chat to Joss Lowden. Joss is a relatively recent convert to cycling. As she explains in this interview, she didn’t even really like cycling for quite some time, only getting into it after suffering a running injury. A cycling trip to Mallorca in 2016 made her rethink her dislike of the sport. And not long after she bought a TT bike on eBay and promptly broke the local TT course record just a couple of days later.
Since then, the now 33-year-old has spells with Aprire Bicycles-HSS Hire, Storey Racing, and Brother-Fusion before joining...
Koppelingen: Joscelin Lowden
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