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Setmana Catalana de Ciclisme 2001 (2.1)
Spain  /  26 Mars - 30 Mars

Edition: 38 (799.4 Km)
Winner: BOOGERD Michael


Gagnants de la course

Dernières Vainqueurs

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Classement Général
1. BOOGERD Michael 19:55:29
2. DI LUCA Danilo 00:00:00
3. BELTRAN MARTINEZ Manuel 00:00:07
4. ZUELLE Alex 00:00:30
5. GARCIA ALONSO Marcelino 00:01:06
6. SERRANO RODRIGUEZ Marcos Antonio 00:01:07
7. FERNANDEZ BUSTINZA Bingen 00:01:08
8. ARMSTRONG Lance 00:01:13
9. PIEPOLI Leonardo 00:01:29
10. BRUYLANDTS Dave 00:01:50
11. GONZALEZ JIMENEZ Aitor 00:02:09
12. ZBERG Beat 00:02:35
13. MERCADO MARTIN Juan Miguel 00:02:37
14. CASTRESANA DEL VAL Angel 00:02:48
15. BÖLTS Udo 00:02:48
16. PASCUAL LLORENTE Javier 00:02:48
17. CABELLO LUQUE Francisco 00:03:09
18. BARANOWSKI Dariusz 00:03:20
19. FLECHA GIANNONI Juan Antonio 00:03:24
20. GARCIA CASAS Felix Manuel 00:03:24

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