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Trofeo G. Bianchin 2003 (1.6)
Italy  /  21 September

Edition: 34 (174.0 Km)
Winner: VISCONTI Giovanni



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Algemeen Klassement
1. VISCONTI Giovanni 04:13:39
2. RADCHENKO Roman 00:00:00
3. BALLAN Alessandro 00:00:41
4. GUSEV Vladimir 00:00:41
5. STRGAR Matic 00:00:41
6. MUGERLI Matej 00:00:41
7. LONGO BORGHINI Paolo 00:00:41
8. AREKEEV Alexander 00:00:41
9. MIHOLJEVIC Hrvoje 00:00:41
10. BERTUOLA Alessandro 00:00:41

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