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Tour du Doubs 2022 (1.1)
France  /  4 Septembre

Edition: 37 (204.0 Km)
Winner: MADOUAS Valentin


Gagnants de la course

Dernières Vainqueurs

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Classement Général
1. MADOUAS Valentin GFC 04:53:07
2. BURGAUDEAU Mathieu TEN 00:00:00
3. LOUVEL Matis ARK 00:00:00
4. GIRMAY HAILU Biniam IWG 00:00:00
5. THOMAS Benjamin COF 00:00:00
6. VENTURINI Clément ACT 00:00:00
7. KÜNG Stefan GFC 00:00:00
8. GILBERT Philippe LTS 00:00:00
9. PEÁK Barnabas IWG 00:00:00
10. GENIETS Kevin GFC 00:00:00
11. JEGAT Jordan 194 00:00:00
12. MARIAULT Axel 194 00:00:00
13. COSNEFROY Benoit ACT 00:00:03
14. MARTINEZ Lenny GFC 00:00:10
15. MARTIN Guillaume COF 00:00:10
16. ZIMMERMANN Georg IWG 00:00:45
17. STORER Michael GFC 00:00:51
18. HERREGODTS Rune SVB 00:00:54
19. CAMPENAERTS Victor LTS 00:00:54
20. BONNAMOUR Franck BBK 00:00:54

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