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Tour of Taihu Lake 2016 (2.1)
(Tour of Taihu)
China  /  5 Novembre - 12 Novembre

Edition: 10 (877.6 Km)
Winner: DUQUE Leonardo


Gagnants de la course
1 Fans

Dernières Vainqueurs

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Classement Général
1. DUQUE Leonardo DMP 19:56:35
2. GODOY Yonder STH 00:00:08
3. SCHULTING Peter PVC 00:00:13
4. FONZI Giuseppe STH 00:00:15
5. WANG Mei Yin HEN 00:00:24
6. ORTEGA RAMIREZ Mauricio RTS 00:00:31
7. DAVIDENOK Ilya RTS 00:00:34
8. KASIANOV Oleksii JLS 00:00:40
9. GROSU Eduard Michael NIP 00:00:50
10. DE ROSSI Lucas DMP 00:01:05
11. VAUBOURZEIX Thomas DMP 00:01:06
12. COLORADO HERNANDEZ Francisco Jarley RTS 00:01:16
13. VAN LUIJK Sven PVC 00:01:24
14. YEUNG Ronald HEN 00:01:31
15. DINIZ CORREIA Alex FUN 00:01:32
16. MACHADO SILVA Gabriel FUN 00:01:37
17. NINO CORREDOR Victor RTS 00:01:37
18. BAYLY Cameron ATG 00:01:43
19. PRUUS Peeter RBD 00:02:03
20. DEMENTYEV Yegor ISD 00:03:22

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