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Tour de Santa Catarina 2009 (2.2)
Brazil  /  22 Abril - 26 Abril

Edition: 22 (486.1 Km)


Ganadores de la carrera

Ultimos Ganadores

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Clasificación General
1. DINIZ CORREIA Alex 12:09:56
2. MOI BUENO Douglas 12:10:40
3. NASCIMENTO Antonio Roberto Xavier 12:10:50
4. BULGARELLI Otavio Didier 12:10:59
5. MORANDI Mauricio 12:11:10
6. NAZARET Magno Prado 12:11:12
7. MOSER Marcelo 12:11:14
8. APARECIDO DOS SANTOS Renato 12:11:32
9. PULINI André 12:11:35
10. VIEIRA Alcides Flaviano 12:11:48
11. WEBER Cleberson 12:12:01
12. PSCHEIDT Ricardo Alexandre 12:12:14
13. HENRIQUE PINHEIRO Eduardo 12:12:40
14. DE FINO SILVEIRO Mariano Ceferino 12:13:07
15. NOVELO Marcos 12:14:21
16. ARSENO Alex 12:14:52
17. DE GOES Gilberto Veiga 12:15:12
18. MORANDI Fabricio 12:15:16
19. CABRERA GONZALEZ Ramiro 12:16:54
20. TAGLIABUE Gonzalo 12:18:39

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