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Memorial Cimurri 2007 (1.1)
(Memorial Cimurri)
Italy  /  6 Octobre

Edition: 3 (183.0 Km)
Winner: BERTAGNOLLI Leonardo


Gagnants de la course

Dernières Vainqueurs

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Classement Général
1. BERTAGNOLLI Leonardo 04:21:56
2. MAZZANTI Luca 00:00:00
3. MORI Manuele 00:00:00
4. BRUTT Pavel 00:00:00
5. POZZATO Filippo 00:00:17
6. PETACCHI Alessandro 00:00:17
7. SHPILEVSKY Boris 00:00:17
8. GARZELLI Stefano 00:00:17
9. GASPAROTTO Enrico 00:00:17
10. STALDER Florian 00:00:17
11. SZCZAWINSKI Krzysztof 00:00:17
12. VISCONTI Giovanni 00:00:17
13. ERMETI Giairo 00:00:17
14. TONTI Andrea 00:00:17
15. CARDELLINI Lorenzo 00:00:17
16. WEIGOLD Steffen 00:00:17
17. MASERATI Alessandro 00:00:17
18. BRAGAZZI Davide 00:00:17
19. BAZHENOV Alexandre 00:00:17
20. BOSISIO Gabriele 00:00:17

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