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Giro di Toscana 2001 (1.3)
Italy  /  6 Mai

Edition: 74 (199.0 Km)
Winner: STANGELJ Gorazd


Gagnants de la course

Dernières Vainqueurs

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Classement Général
1. STANGELJ Gorazd 04:50:45
2. HERVE Pascal 00:00:00
3. LASTRAS GARCIA Pablo 00:00:41
4. BORGHERESI Simone 00:00:41
5. GIUNTI Massimo 00:01:48
6. IVANOV Ruslan 00:02:10
7. ZAKIROV Faat 00:02:10
8. GASPERONI Cristian 00:02:10
9. MAGNANI Marco 00:02:10
10. BRIGNOLI Ermanno 00:02:10
11. GENTILI Massimiliano 00:02:10
12. CARRARA Matteo 00:02:10
13. MONDINI Gianpaolo 00:02:10
14. NEGRINI Emanuele 00:02:10
15. PINOTTI Marco 00:02:10
16. LATASA LASA David 00:02:10
17. ROMANO Domenico 00:02:10
18. KOHUT Seweryn Zenon 00:02:10
19. SCINTO Luca 00:02:10
20. PEPOLI Cristian 00:04:45

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