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GP Miguel Indurain 2006 (1.1)
Spain  /  1 Avril

Edition: 8 (191.0 Km)
Winner: WEGMANN Fabian


Gagnants de la course

Dernières Vainqueurs

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Classement Général
1. WEGMANN Fabian GST 04:41:38
2. MOLETTA Andrea GST 00:00:00
3. GRIVKO Andriy MRM 00:00:00
4. GARZELLI Stefano LIQ 00:00:00
5. MORI Manuele SDV 00:00:00
6. MORENI Cristian COF 00:00:00
7. OSA EIZAGUIRRE Aitor LSW 00:00:00
8. BERENGUER Jordi MAS 00:00:06
9. CONTADOR VELASCO Alberto LSW 00:00:06
10. BRU PASCAL Yon KAI 00:00:06
11. ANTON HERNANDEZ Igor EUS 00:00:06
12. AZANZA SOTO Jorge KAI 00:00:06
13. GARCIA QUESADA Adolfo APV 00:00:06
14. LATASA LASA David ECV 00:00:14
15. ARRIETA LUJAMBIO José Luis A2R 00:00:14
16. VALVERDE BELMONTE Alejandro CEI 00:00:14
17. COLOM MAS Antonio CEI 00:00:14
18. FERRIO LUQUE Jorge MOL 00:00:14
19. ASTARLOZA CHAURREAU Mikel A2R 00:00:14
20. NAVARRO GARCIA Daniel LSW 00:00:14

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