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Course Cycliste de Solidarnosc et des Champions Olympiques 2017 (2.2)
(Course de la Solidarité Olympique)
Poland  /  28 Junio - 1 Julio

Edition: 28 (752.7 Km)
Winner: KOMAR Mateusz


Ganadores de la carrera

Ultimos Ganadores

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Clasificación General
1. KOMAR Mateusz 17:22:53
2. CIESLIK Pawel 17:23:03
3. STACHOWIAK Adam 17:23:09
4. PODLASKI Michal 17:23:16
5. GMELICH MEIJLING Jarno 17:23:18
6. BERNAS Pawel 17:23:18
7. CERNY Josef 17:23:19
8. KREDER Stefan 17:23:19
9. KUREK Adrian 17:23:21
10. HAMELINK Jasper 17:23:21
11. BUCHACEK Tomas 17:23:21
12. MATYSIAK Bartlomiej 17:25:05
13. KOUWENHOVEN Sjoerd 17:25:05
14. ANIOLKOWSKI Stanislaw 17:27:46
15. BANASZEK Alan 17:27:56
16. NOWACZEK Mateusz 17:28:13
17. JÄGELER Robert 17:28:14
18. POLNICKY Jiri 17:31:07
19. MENTEN Milan 17:31:21
20. FRANCZAK Pawel 17:31:21

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