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Vuelta a Espaņa 1987 ()
Spain  /  23 April - 15 Mei

Edition: 42 (3989.4 Km)
Winner: HERRERA Luis


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Algemeen Klassement
Individueel klassement
1. Luis HERRERA (Col) en 105h34'25"
2. Raimund Dietzen (All) ā 1'04"
3. Laurent Fignon (Fra) ā 3'13"
4. Pedro Delgado (Esp) ā 3'52"
5. Oscar De Jesus Vargas (Col) ā 4'03"
6. Vicente Belda (Esp) ā 4'40"
7. Anselmo Fuerte (Esp) ā 4'59"
8. Yvon Madiot (Fra) ā 5'25"
9. Henry Cardenas (Col) ā 7'08"
10. Omar Hernandez (Col) ā 7'33"
11. Angel Arroyo (Esp) ā 8'15"
12. Inaki Gaston (Esp) ā 8'49"
13. Pedro Saul Morales (Col) ā 13'51"
14. Juan-Tomas Martinez (Esp) ā 17'34"
15. Pascal Poisson (Fra) ā 20'14"
16. José-Patrocinio Jimenez (Col) ā 21'38"
17. Federico Echave (Esp) ā 23'30"
18. Martin Ramirez (Col) ā 24'13"
19. Enrique Aja (Esp) ā 24'36"
20. Argimiro Bohorquez (Col) ā 25'54"
21. Nestor Mora (Col) ā 26'35"
22. Martin Earley (Irl) ā 27'15"
23. Carlos Hernandez (Esp) ā 27'16"
24. Pablo Vilches (Col) ā 30'31"
25. Jesus Blanco-Villar (Esp) ā 31'07"


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