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Vuelta a Espaņa 1971 ()
Spain  /  29 Abril - 16 Mayo

Edition: 26 (2893.2 Km)
Winner: BRACKE Ferdinand


Vincitori della gara

Ultimi Vincitori

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Classifica generale
Individueel klassement
1. Ferdinand BRACKE (Bel) en 73h50'05"
2. Wilfried David (Bel) ā 59"
3. Luis Ocana (Esp) ā 1'51"
4. Miguel-Maria Lasa (Esp) ā 2'18"
5. Manuel Galera (Esp) ā 2'37"
6. Joop Zoetemelk (Hol) ā 2'48"
7. Agustin Tamames (Esp) ā 5'15"
8. Antonio Martos (Esp) ā 5'45"
9. Raymond Poulidor (Fra) ā 6'01"
10. Luis Balague (Esp) ā 6'17"
11. Eddy Schutz (Lux) ā 6'39"
12. Cyrille Guimard (Fra) ā 8'33"
13. Enrique Sahagun (Esp) ā 9'41"
14. Antonio Menendez (Esp) ā 9'54"
15. Wim Schepers (Hol) ā 10'19"
16. Domingo Perurena (Esp) ā 10'28"
17. Bernard Labourdette (Fra) ā 11'09"
18. Ventura Diaz (Esp) ā 11'32"
19. Gonzalo Aja (Esp) ā 12'05"
20. Rolf Wolfshohl (All) ā 13'00"
21. Antonio Gomez del Moral (Esp) ā 13'15"
22. Andrčs Oliva (Esp) ā 13'58"
23. Eduardo Castello (Esp) m.t
24. José Gomez-Lucas (Esp) ā 14'26"
25. José-Luis Abilleira (Esp) ā 14'46"


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