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Boels Ladies Tour 2000 (2.9.2)
Netherlands  /  5 September - 9 September

Edition: 3 (546.7 Km)



Laatste Winnaars

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Algemeen Klassement
1. Mirjam Melchers NED Dutch National Team 13.34.51
2. Ina-Yoko Teutenberg GER German National Team 0.13
3. Susanne Ljunskog SWE Farm-Frites Hartol 0.19
4. Cindy Pieters BEL Vlaanderen 2002 1.06
5. Heidi van de Vyver BEL Vlaanderen 2002 1.08
6. Mirella van Melis NED Dutch National Team 2.58
7. Hanka Kupfernagel GER Bulls-Team Kupfernagel 5.48
8. Chantal Beltman NED Dutch National Team 7.02
9. Trixi Worrack GER German National Team 7.19
10. Madaleine Lindberg SWE Farm-Frites Hartol 7.44
11. Arenda Grimberg NED Dutch National Team 7.47
12. Solrun Flatas NOR Norwegian National Team 7.53
13. Jorunn Kvalo NOR Norwegian National Team 8.11
14. Yvonne Brunen NED Farm-Frites Hartol 8.27
15. Marielle van Scheppingen NED Dutch National Team 8.36
16. Debby Mansveld NED Farm-Frites Hartol 8.39
17. Monica Valen NOR Norwegian National Team 9.10
18. Edith Klep NED Ondernemers van Nature 9.12
19. Ragnald Kostol NOR Norwegian National Team 9.28
20. Evy Van Damme BEL Vlaanderen 2002 9.31

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